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Territorial communities are Naftogaz Group’s key partners, because our facilities operate in all regions of Ukraine. Successful interaction with local communities enables us to work successfully, increasing the country's energy independence, providing jobs, and paying taxes.
Naftogaz Group enterprises provide gas for heating and communal energy neeeds in 1,439 communities across Ukraine.
On August 22, 2023, the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine extended the special duties (PSO) regime assigned to Naftogaz Trading regarding the supply of natural gas for the heating of enterprises and budget organizations until April 15, 2024.
The company has also already sent out the relevant contracts.
Three steps are to be taken by entities included in the register of enterprises participating in the debt settlement procedure in accordance with the Law of Ukraine "On Measures Aimed at Debt Settlement of Heat Supply and Heat-Generating Enterprises of Centralized Water Supply and Sewerage" which have debts to LLC "Gas Supply Company" "Naftogaz Trading" for the supply of gas within the framework of the PSO format:
Steps to be taken by condominiums and TKEs included in the register of enterprises participating in the debt settlement procedure in accordance with the Law of Ukraine "On Measures Aimed at Debt Settlement of Heat Supply and Heat-Generating Enterprises of Centralized Water Supply and Sewerage" and which do not have debts to LLC "Gas Supply Company "Naftogaz Trading" for the supply of gas on the terms of PSO:
All the necessary conditions and contacts for consultations on signing additional agreements, determining the volume of natural gas consumption and the established time limits can be found in detail in the following sections:
Naftogaz is also a member of the UN Global Compact and shares its principles. Therefore, one of the major priorities in the implementation of our business activities is the sustainable development of cities, towns and communities.
Naftogaz Group is a trust-worthy partner for more than 300 local communities in eleven regions of Ukraine where the production is directly carried out (JSC Ukrgasvydobuvannya and LLC Nadra Yuzivska). Over the last eight years, over 400 social and infrastructure projects worth a total of almost UAH 400 mn have been implemented in the regions of our presence.
During 2022, JSC Ukrgasvydobuvannya alone transferred UAH 2.2 bn of rental payments to the regions. Local budgets received 5% of the total amount of the rent paid which in 2022 reached UAH 43.8 bn.
Common tasks of Naftogaz Group and territorial communities:
Naftogaz continues to support the communities in any situation, in particular, in ensuring sustainable heating season during martial law.
Organisation of sustainable passage of 2022-2023 autumn-winter heating season has become a priority of the national security for the Group’s companies, mayors and local authorities.
We remain being a partner not only for our customers, but also a responsible business for communities in the regions of our presence and in Ukraine as a whole.